Stone placement along the shoreline to prevent further erosion from the waves and boat traffic?​
A new seawall? What about repairs to my seawall?
Building a new boat dock? What if I only need repairs to my current dock, pier or boathouse?
Verifying my dock is legally in my ownership? I did not build the dock and am aware that docks do NOT convey with property purchase.
To find out if my lake property is dockable because I currently do not have a dock or boathouse?
I don't have a dock tag on the side of my pier. Is it properly permitted? If not, how should I proceed?​
Can I begin my contractor search with Lake Permit Services?
As a realtor, I have a new lake listing. How does my seller verify and transfer the dock ownership? Does the buyer need to be involved?
Projects involving my "Grandfathered" status?​
I'm interested in a lakefront lot but need consultation on the permitting process, as a whole.
I'm so confused. I don't know where to begin with any of this!
Yes, yes and yes!
We can facilitate these requests and more.
Let our team provide the answers in detail for you.
Call us @ (828) 600-LAKE